Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Lucky Pig

I had a request for a recipe, from a friend who read the blog I posted about the traditional Danish Glogg drink. I have added 2 recipes to yesterday's blog. By the way, any of the recipes can be served without alcohol by leaving it out or boiling it out. You can experiment by adding fruit juices in the place of wine. ENJOY!! It's all about having FUN!!

Today, I have been checking my pantry and making grocery lists for the upcoming week. One treat I plan to make for Christmas Eve dinner is a Danish traditional rice pudding.

Part of the tradition involves serving the pudding or porridge with a whole almond baked inside. The individual who finds the almond in their dish receives a prize, usually a lucky marzipan pig. To add to the fun, 
the person who gets the whole almond should discreetly save it so no one else notices it and when the whole pudding is eaten the search will begin for the person who gets the almond prize. Finally the almond is discovered and the prize is awarded. 
 Marzipan Pigs
A marzipan pig is a confection made of marzipan, a paste of almonds and sugar, and formed into the shape of a small pig. In Germany, Norway and Denmark, the gift of a marzipan pig at Christmas and New Year's symbolizes good luck and fortune in the year to come.

While I do not plan to sculpt my own pink piggies, many Danes do create their own. I, however, found a candy shop in Lyngby, a nearby town, that has pigs of all shapes and sizes, made of marzipan, dark and milk chocolate and even white chocolate. 

Mums!! (translation: Yummy!!)

This is the recipe I intend to follow:


1 c. uncooked Jasmine Rice
1/2 c. sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
5 c. lowfat milk
3 whole almonds
1 teaspoon almond extract (or possibly vanilla)
ground cinnamon for garnish


Combine rice, sugar, salt, and lowfat milk in the top of a double boiler. Cover. Add in almonds.
Set burner temperature so water in the bottom of double boiler is simmering.
Cook 2 hrs or possibly till thickened, stirring often.
Stir in almond (or possibly vanilla) extract. Remove whole almonds.
Sprinkle each bowl with cinnamon before serving. 

Scoop out individual servings and top with hot Cherry Sauce. Remind everyone to watch out for the whole almond in order to win the piggie and good fortune.

CHERRY SAUCE (Kirsebaersauce)
Makes about 2 cups

2 14oz. cans tart cherries in water or juice
1/2 cup sugar
3 T cornstarch or flour
In large saucepan, over medium high heat, cook all the ingredients until hot and beginning to thicken. Blend sauce with blender until blended but still chunky. Reduce to 2 cups over medium heat. Spoon over individual servings of rice pudding.

Danish rice pudding

Have a look at this video as Kathrine makes rice pudding...

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