Saturday, May 26, 2012

Memorial Day weekend in Denmark

On Monday, Memorial Day, while Americans are remembering those who serve/served, the Danes are celebrating Whit Monday or Pentecost Monday. It is the Christian holiday celebrated the day after Pentecost Sunday which is known as "Whitsun". The name "Whitsun" refers to the white garments worn on Pentecost by the newly baptized. 

While I love my new home in Denmark, I will still be thinking of, praying for and remembering those in the United States and abroad that serve and protect my mother land....

A special "Thank You" to:

Col. Robert E. Tucker
Capt. Robert Eugene Tucker
LCDR Charles Frederick Tucker

Major Gregory Fester

John Massung
Liz Dickey
Dwight Thompson
Jennifer Thompson

...and to all those who have served and continue to do so as well as those who served and lost their lives to keep America free.

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