Friday, May 18, 2012

4 Day Weekend

Yesterday was a National holiday in Denmark, Kristi Himmelfartsdag, or Ascension Day.  Unfortunately the name is a bit humorous in English. It has nothing to do with "farts"!

It occurs 39 days after Easter Sunday. It's a Christian holiday that commemorates Jesus Christ's ascension into Heaven. The day is always celebrated on a Thursday in the Nordic countries, including Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden.
On this day, schools and offices are shut and most people will use the day to relax and enjoy themselves. Some may choose to go to special church services.

Today (Friday) will also be a very quiet day as many workers choose to make this into a 4 day weekend.

In Sweden many people go out to the woods at 3am or 4am to hear the birds at sunrise. It is good luck if a cuckoo is heard from the east or west. These jaunts are called gokotta, or “early cuckoo morning”.

Yesterday, we spent the afternoon running necessary errands and turned it into a family outing. One of the places we went to was Bauhaus, my favorite store!! It is like a Lowe's Home Improvement store. We needed to buy a lawn mower as the 2 that were left behind for us to use have seen better days (one actually had packing tape holding it together!!)

We took a bus rather than the train and traveled through a lot of countryside. It was gorgeous out, the sun shining and the scenery was beautiful. Bauhaus was open yesterday as they knew that Danes would want to work in their yards, while many of the other stores were closed. Due to the size of the lawnmower we purchased we set up delivery because it would have been impossible to get on the bus, or for that matter, to carry home.

Today is sunny and will be the perfect day for yard work. Both of the boys have promised me a full day of help in the yard to earn a little money for entertainment outings. Going to see a movie is extremely expensive here and something they do on a rare occasion.

The boys had both yesterday and today off from school. Randell had Wednesday and Thursday off but will go to work this evening (third shift) for the weekend. We will enjoy our long weekend and hopefully get a lot of things accomplished in the yard.

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