Monday, May 28, 2012

All Work and No Play...

As much as I love to garden, and have spent many days over the past couple weeks working on the yard, today called for a day of "play"...

This morning was gorgeous, sunny, with a light breeze. Randell and I walked to the lake and took a path we hadn't explored before. With 6 miles of paths around a huge lake, it will be a good while before we get to see them all :o) I saw 2 beautiful swans on the lake, close to the shore in one of the coves. We set our sights on them and began walking the path in their direction. We walked close to a mile but never could get close enough for good pictures because of a marshy area between us and them. They were magnificent to watch from afar, so very graceful. 

There were so many families out at the lake today, taking advantage of the beautiful weather and the weekend. Many were biking, walking, kayaking, and rowing (I believe small outboard motor type boats are allowed, but no big fishing or water ski type boats). I love seeing the families together in Denmark, there is a REAL sense of appreciation for family here. I can tell that they all enjoy being together and how important family time is to them. One family caught my attention as they passed by on bicycles. The father rode a bike with a baby in a carrier strapped to his back, while the mother's bike had a cart hooked to the back of her bike. Inside of the cart was a toddler and 4 of the sweetest black puppies!! Mama dog, with her breasts full of milk, ran alongside the cart. She looked like she was so happy to be out with the family enjoying the chance to run but knowing that her pups were close by. That whole scene really spoke to me...."FAMILY".

I have completed one of the areas in the yard that I was working on this weekend and have added some before and after shots.
Before: Rock garden- full of weeds (3 piles of weeds pulled), overgrown and needed updated & expanded
After: Weeded, expanded, rocks re-positioned, weed barrier added, flowers and plants added, mulched
My garden gnomes 
 I planted thyme and hosta, there is plenty of room for more

Lantern added
Tomorrow is a new day...Hmmm.....will it be WORK or PLAY??

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Memorial Day weekend in Denmark

On Monday, Memorial Day, while Americans are remembering those who serve/served, the Danes are celebrating Whit Monday or Pentecost Monday. It is the Christian holiday celebrated the day after Pentecost Sunday which is known as "Whitsun". The name "Whitsun" refers to the white garments worn on Pentecost by the newly baptized. 

While I love my new home in Denmark, I will still be thinking of, praying for and remembering those in the United States and abroad that serve and protect my mother land....

A special "Thank You" to:

Col. Robert E. Tucker
Capt. Robert Eugene Tucker
LCDR Charles Frederick Tucker

Major Gregory Fester

John Massung
Liz Dickey
Dwight Thompson
Jennifer Thompson

...and to all those who have served and continue to do so as well as those who served and lost their lives to keep America free.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

The Round Tower

Today was a beautiful day for getting out and exploring. I have been working in the yard now for a couple of weeks, along with the boys (when they were available) and it was time for a break!! We took the train into Nørreport, walked past my favorite cafe, Paludan's (great vanilla lattes). This is where I often meet my friend Micki for coffee and girl talk. Within sight is The Round Tower.
The Round Tower was built by King Christian IV between 1637-1642. The tower was the first part of the Trinity Complex, which united three of the most important facilities available to 17th-century scholars: an astronomical observatory, a student's church and Copenhagen's first university library.
As you approach the tower, on the outside near the top is a gilt rebus designed by Christian IV himself. The rebus can be interpreted as: Guide God, proper learning and justice into the heart of the crowned Christian IV, 1642.
Cameron is peeking out from the alcove
As you enter and begin your ascent upward, you follow a unique spiral walkway, which is 686 feet long and corkscrews 7 1/2 times around the hollow core of the 114 foot tower. The boys had a blast running from bottom to top and hiding in the alcoves which must have housed plants or statues in their day. It was Christian IV's wish to be driven by horse and carriage from bottom to the top of the observatory. The Round Tower is the oldest functioning observatory in Europe.
Situated halfway up the Round Tower is the library that once housed over 10,000 books. The books have been moved to new premises and the library area is used for changing art and cultural exhibitions. The one that was open today was a "hand on", "please touch and feel" exhibit. Everything was very textural and interesting. 
We learned today that not only did many famous scientists and astronomers use this tower, but many scholars and writers did as well. Hans Christian Anderson frequented the library and he even mentions the Round Tower in his story "The Tinder Box" in 1835, where the brave soldier met an old ugly witch, who told him about the old hollow tree with the three loaded money-chests that could make him rich, but were guarded by tree dogs - one with eyes as big as saucers, one with eyes as big as mill wheels and one with eyes as big as the Round Tower of Copenhagen.

The tower walkway ends at a spiral staircase that takes you up to the viewing platform, or observation deck that surrounds the outside of the tower. You can see for miles in every direction which is magnificent. The following pictures were taken from different areas on the deck. 
 Old Latin Quarters
Church of Our Lady (far right), Tower of the Town Hall (center)
Christiansborg Palace (right),  Nikolaj Copenhagen Contempory Art Center (left)
Marmorkirken (Marble Church) 
The deck is surrounded by an elaborate wrought-iron lattice from 1643. There are many different sections, but one that I found interesting (and is pictured below) is Christians IV's monogram and the letters RFP, which is the kings motto: Piety strengthens the realms.
It was a fun outing, followed by Sunday dinner with Randell (who rested up at home for 3rd shift tonight).

Friday, May 18, 2012

4 Day Weekend

Yesterday was a National holiday in Denmark, Kristi Himmelfartsdag, or Ascension Day.  Unfortunately the name is a bit humorous in English. It has nothing to do with "farts"!

It occurs 39 days after Easter Sunday. It's a Christian holiday that commemorates Jesus Christ's ascension into Heaven. The day is always celebrated on a Thursday in the Nordic countries, including Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden.
On this day, schools and offices are shut and most people will use the day to relax and enjoy themselves. Some may choose to go to special church services.

Today (Friday) will also be a very quiet day as many workers choose to make this into a 4 day weekend.

In Sweden many people go out to the woods at 3am or 4am to hear the birds at sunrise. It is good luck if a cuckoo is heard from the east or west. These jaunts are called gokotta, or “early cuckoo morning”.

Yesterday, we spent the afternoon running necessary errands and turned it into a family outing. One of the places we went to was Bauhaus, my favorite store!! It is like a Lowe's Home Improvement store. We needed to buy a lawn mower as the 2 that were left behind for us to use have seen better days (one actually had packing tape holding it together!!)

We took a bus rather than the train and traveled through a lot of countryside. It was gorgeous out, the sun shining and the scenery was beautiful. Bauhaus was open yesterday as they knew that Danes would want to work in their yards, while many of the other stores were closed. Due to the size of the lawnmower we purchased we set up delivery because it would have been impossible to get on the bus, or for that matter, to carry home.

Today is sunny and will be the perfect day for yard work. Both of the boys have promised me a full day of help in the yard to earn a little money for entertainment outings. Going to see a movie is extremely expensive here and something they do on a rare occasion.

The boys had both yesterday and today off from school. Randell had Wednesday and Thursday off but will go to work this evening (third shift) for the weekend. We will enjoy our long weekend and hopefully get a lot of things accomplished in the yard.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Day from Afar

"Mor's Dag", or Mother's Day, came to Denmark from the US via Christian Svenningsen who had moved to the States and fought for the U.S. in WWI where he heard of the newly celebrated "Mother's Day". Christian Svenningsen moved back to Denmark and came up with the idea of helping the victims of war at home: the mothers left behind. May 12th 1929 was the first official "Mor's Dag" in Denmark, and it had a very noble cause, as funds were collected to support war widows and mothers who had lost sons at war. Denmark celebrates Mother's Day the 2nd Sunday in May just like the U.S.

Most Sundays in Denmark everything is closed down, notably the grocery stores, as it is usually on a Sunday when we figure out we are out of bread or milk!! This past Sunday, many stores were open as well as some restaurants and the Blomsterhandler...the florist.

I awoke to breakfast in bed made by my loving husband, such a treat. Cameron had a birthday party to attend from 11-2 and Randell had to get some sleep as he works third shift and stays up through the night. While it was just Corey and I, we took the opportunity to go out to lunch together. That was such a treat, having the one on one time with him, he talked non-stop. This is such an enjoyable time in his life, as he grows out of his little boy stage and into a young man. 

The rest of the afternoon I kicked back and worked on my crocheting and read a book. The boys pampered me and wouldn't allow me to do anything household related :o) Around supper time, Randell was up and wanted to take me out to dinner. We had heard about an American who opened a BBQ place next door to his "Taco Shop". He has been running the Taco Shop for 21 years and moved to Denmark from Nevada. Randell knows how much I love a vinegar based, pulled-pork sandwich. Although the BBQ was good, it wasn't the kind I love from the North Carolina BBQ places. He used more of a hickory, smoked sauce...oh well, I guess I will just have to wait until June when I visit NC for BBQ.

Although I haven't felt homesick at all and have been very happy in Denmark, I found myself really missing my Mom on Mother's Day. I have celebrated Mother's Day with her just about every year that I can remember. Even though I missed her terribly, I found consolation in knowing that she wasn't alone and was with my sister and her family this year in Arizona.

Hoping everyone had a Happy Mother's Day!!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Trains can provide some unexpected entertainment!

Aside from the occasional boisterous drunk, rowdy teens or the crazy woman who talks to herself in the "quiet only" car (she actually picked me to sit next to!!) there are other unexpected surprises sometimes that are quite nice! Although I ride the train quite often, I have unfortunately missed this one  :o( Maybe I'll catch it one day....

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Cinco de Mayo

Happy Birthday to my 12 year old!!! Cameron is our Cinco de Mayo baby, as he enjoys pointing out every year on May well as letting us know that he was also born on the Chinese holiday--Kite Day.

When we lived in the states, we used to offer to host a Fiesta-themed birthday party for Cameron and he was never interested. Now, when we are in Denmark, he decided at the last minute that it would be "cool" to have a Fiesta party. Here in Denmark where you can't find any Fiesta-themed party decorations or paper ware!! So, with 24 hours before his party, I began whipping up party decorations with all of the craft supplies I had here at home (all of the stores were closed).

I pulled it off and here are pictures from his party...

The deck outside of the kitchen provided extra space
A beautiful day to have a party outside

Laughter and FUN!!
Classmates: Sam, Louise, Cameron, Julia and Beth
12 candles this year
The Birthday Boy

Pizza time--Pepperoni and Mexican pizza
Corey joins the party
Randell strings up the home-made pinata
Julia peeks at the pinata location
Cameron dizzy from being spun around

Sam taking his turn
Louise makes contact

Beth makes contact....
It's busted....

Candy Free-For-All 
Cameron wears the pinata
Louise (Danish), Cameron, Julia (Brazilian), Sam (American), Beth (British), Corey
Randell and I giving Cameron his gift
Cameron isn't sure what it is, but Julia does!

Cameron figures it out
Cam is soooo happy!!

Concert tickets for 2 to see Cam's favorite band
Cake time
Cam makes a wish...

I'm ready for my Fiesta-Siesta!!
Cake-n-ice cream
It was a beautiful day and the kids had FUN, especially with the pinata and when they had relay races with the "Mexican Jumping Bean"...a great group of kids!! Randell took Cameron to the concert and Cameron really enjoyed himself. A perfect and very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!