Friday, March 2, 2012

Welcome March

March 1, 2012
The past 2 weeks have been beautiful in Denmark. The sun has been shining every day, and although many are still wearing coats, I get by with a t-shirt and jacket. Today was the perfect day for gardening. I chose to start in the area outside of my bedroom and off the front patio. I thought it would be nice for my kitty and I to wake up in the mornings and watch the birds for a bit before getting out of bed. :o) 

I began with cutting back plants and vines that were overgrown and hadn't been manicured in a long time, if ever. I was careful not to cut too much because some are still a mystery to me as I'm not familiar with all of the things that grow here. I pulled weeds and raked old pine needles and decomposing leaves out of the flower bed areas. I raked the yard and got rid of a ton of twigs and branches that were previously just thrown into a pile.

I finished up by moving some rocks over to surround a tree and created a small rock garden where I planted pansies and violas, both frost hardy in the event we get cold weather. I filled a new bird feeder and hung it in the tree over the new garden. 

Now my kitty, Balcony, and I have many new birds and flowers to enjoy in the mornings.

1 comment:

Cameron said...

Looks pretty Mom.