Sunday, March 25, 2012

Sharing Sun Beams

Last night we sprung forward an hour...boing, boing, boing! Awoke to the most beautiful, bright and sunny day. Not a cloud in the sky and warm enough for t-shirts. While I had my morning coffee and checked emails, my girls, Maggie and Balcony stayed right with me. They couldn't get enough of the warm sun beam shining through the window!

I headed outside to work in the yard. I have a terrific flower bed right outside of the kitchen. It was so overrun with a ground cover, the kind that sends out runners and grows in pretty thick. It also had about 10 rose bushes, and only 2 were barely alive. I dug everything up and worked the weeds out of the soil. There were some small daffodils worth keeping, so I worked around them. I will move them later since I want to use this area for an herb garden.

"Before" pictures
Horrible, thick ground cover
Rose bushes were ignored many years

I love home grown, fresh herbs. Lavender is the best, especially for headaches and to use as an air and laundry freshener. Basil, thyme, rosemary and sage are wonderful and smell lovely too. I also love cilantro, it reminds me of the days I spent in Costa Rica!! I'm hoping it will grow well here and it's not too cool for it. Once I get the soil worked, I will pick up my herbs from the nursery down the's within walking distance and they are getting to know my face very well in there...LOL! I will post "After" pictures once I have completed.

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