Saturday, October 13, 2012

A Star is Born

Last Monday, October 8th, Cameron and some of his fellow school mates were invited to participate as extras in a movie that was being filmed aboard the DFDS Ferry. The boys were to play the part of members in the Kansas City Boys Choir on a field trip. leaving Copenhagen Denmark and sailing to Oslo, Norway. This trip takes 16 1/2 hours which happens to be the name of the movie: "16 1/2 Hours".

The film crew was fantastic and made all of the boys feel comfortable. As we (the parents) were watching, we were asked if we wanted to be in the film. We played passengers walking down the gangway...not a difficult part to play but a lot of walking with each take.
The boys meet the crew and are shown what to do

They change into their "choir shirts"

Nina directs them on when to enter the gangway

The film crew
Quiet on the set...
The Danish actress is at the counter buying "her ticket" and the boys just finished their part...
The boys are working with the sound man
Group picture with the actress Frederikke and Nina (the young lady that invited the boys)
The main actress (Frederikke) with some of the boys
Cameron introduces himself to the actress
One of the boys was having a birthday so everyone including the crew sang him "Happy Birthday"

The movie premieres in April 2013 and will have English sub-titles and the boys will all be invited to see it.

1 comment:

Ari C'rona said...

That's totally awesome! You're famous now! :o)