Monday, June 4, 2012

Cycle here, cycle there...

Life is like a ten speed bicycle. Most of us have gears we never use.
~ Charles M. Schulz 

Bicycles are the indicator species of a community, like shellfish in a bay.

~ P. Martin Scott

If bicycles are the indicator species of a community as Mr. Scott claims, I would say that Denmark is quite a healthy community. Everywhere one turns, there are bicycles!! Denmark is one of the leading nations in everyday cycling!!

There are special paths and lanes set up just for cyclists and there are even smaller versions of the traffic lights in some of the lanes.

Most children start cycling to school when they begin school, at age 7/8. There are cycling classes taught in school when they reach 10-12 years old. They are taught traffic rules, behavior, and regulations much like when the US offers drivers education at school.

There are special cars on the trains and metros for bicycles. You can ride to the station, take a train with your bike and then finish your journey by bicycle. If you choose to leave your bike parked at a train station, there are plenty of bike racks provided, even several double-decker bike racks. 

This kind of reminds me of the sea of baby penguins on the shore awaiting it's mum to return with a meal. How does the mum know or even find it's own baby out of the mass of thousands that look just like it does??  How does one find their own car in a Wal-mart parking lot after shopping the day before Christmas?? I have to believe that sometimes one may go home with a bike that looks an awful lot like the one they rode in on...Hmmm.....

All in all, getting around Denmark whether it's by bicycle, train, bus or foot, they are all very convenient and friendly. I have not missed my car, I feel healthier, and I like to think even if it is a very small amount that I have helped the Earth to be a little healthier by not using a car and gasoline.


Jason said...

At least when I lose my car I can hit the lock button and the lights will come on. I would be out of luck in Denmark!!

Ari C'rona said...

Wow! That is quite a picture! Where I live, it's not practical to ride or walk, unfortunately - 13 miles to the nearest store, and many more miles to real civilization...

BBStacker said...

No locks on the bikes?

Renee Fister-Lee said...

BBStacker: Most do not lock their bikes up and most leave each others bikes alone. However, it is advisable if you have a nice bike that you lock it. Bike theft is the #1 crime here in Denmark!

Rebecca said...

I miss biking! Currently living in Basel Switzerland, and the bike lanes are few and far between.
I'm such a spoiled dane