The grocery store manager, Rasmus (I had a cat with the same name years ago), spoke to us about food locations and availability but also told us that his store offers the most American products. I already knew that as I had stopped in months ago and found Betty Crocker cake mixes and Pop Tarts...something that made my family very happy!! It's the little things, the familiar things, that keep us from being too homesick. I left there with 2 very nice goodie bags full of food: 2 loaves of fresh baked bread, smoothies, crackers, apples, granola bars and other items as well as a 50 DKK gift certificate for the next shopping trip and a bottle of wine!! Hello!! The Danes are extremely generous with their goodie bags! I also filled up 2 more bags with things I needed plus several cake, brownie and cookie mixes...the boys ought to be happy!
This morning both Corey and Cameron left for an over night trip to different places to work on team building skills, cooperation, and mutual respect among their peers, as well as it being a learning adventure. Corey's class traveled to Kalundborg and will be doing a ropes course at Kragerup Gods in Ruds Veby. It looks like tons of FUN!
Cameron went in another direction, towards Malmo, Sweden to Foteviken in Höllviken. His class will be staying at the Viking Reserve where they will dress, eat and sleep like the Vikings. I would love to be secretly watching from afar as I can only imagine how tough the life of a Viking will be for some, even for just over night!! Here is a video from youtube showing the area.
The location looks fabulous and I bet they both have a great time!! I will use this time to create and sew my crafts!!